Offers can be made by companies, consulting firms, startups, governmental agencies or non-profit organizations interested in hiring university students as interns. For Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) member corporations this service is free of charge.
To receive a login to this portal, please send a request to . Non-members first need to apply for SCS corporate membership (see Registration box).
To post an offer, you will need to login to the portal and go to the "Manage my offers" section. When posting the offer, you will be asked to provide a number of keywords to allow the students to search for specific items (area of activity, company location, starting date and duration of the assignment). For each offer, you will have the option to set a link to an internship opportunity posted on an external source (company Web page, third party Web site).
The summary of each offer is visible to all. However, the job description and contact details are visible only to students who are either members of the SCS, or who received a login to this portal.
The scheme below shows the different options to interact with the portal (view, post) for an employer representative depending on his or her SCS corporate membership status ("Public" stands for non-members or any other user).